LINCOLN..No.1 in the World...Now..Eighth time! A2A2
EX(90),EX(92)Frame, EX F&L@3yr 1mo.!...Pot. EX(92) or More!
555H140 Flatness Intl LINCOLN Now....EX(90)EX(92)Frame,EX Feet and Legs! @3@1, Pot...EX(92) or more! A2A2 ... KCN AB
It's a Rarity when aAa and the linears are compatible. One nice feature is that wide rump and slight slope to the pins. Very well balanced bull......342165. We have CSS semen for North(Canada, Mexico), Central and South America. Also semen for many other countries. Be 1st to get his semen. 12/22 proof below....UP on TYPE! !!!! Decades ago we talked about Disposition. A couple of famous bulls, like Astronaut sired Bad Disposition. Everyone that has handled LINCOLN....has said what Fine Calm... Disposition he has ! LINCOLN is 8th Gen. Bred and owned by us.. going back to Lou Ella EX(92)GMD. The dam of Leadman EX(92)GM a former No.1 TPI sire and LIGHTNING EX(94) GM. Plus several crosses to Dellia EX(95) EX(97) Mam, Best Brood cow in the world!! Also including 3 best type bulls in the world EVER...with over 5,000 EX dtrs each... .Durham, Goldwyn and Shottle!!
LINCOLN .... NO.1 for the COMBINATION of the NINE.... Most Important & Heritable Traits, Milk, Fat, Protein Type and Udder Comp and .....ALL 80% Heritable in your herd. Plus Feet & Legs 60% Heritable and SCS which is the most Heritable Health trait...48% heritable. Plus Perfect Type Linears! and A2A2..100% Heritable if sire and dam are A2A2. All in your well managed herd.
LINCOLN's gr. sire.. King Doc has been the Best Proven Holstein bull in the world for production and type. However he is A2A1LINCOLN's sire... Hancock is now Progeny Proven as well and is the Highest Udder Comp bull at Select Sires.Best New Holstein bull in the WORLD.... for Production and Type is LINCOLN . Also A2A2 & Fantastic Linears ...he is ONE of a kind!
Note.. 4 important traits are NOT included in the TPI and Net Merit Formulas, A2A2,Kappa Casein AB and % for Fat and Protein
555HO00140 Flatness-Intl LINCOLN , EX(90) @3yr .1mo... POT.EX(93) Reg. 84HO003201007662
aAa 342165 ..Great for all his aAa numbers!
+1762PDM -0.01% +66F -0.03% +45P +111 CFP + $532 NM$ 81%Rel, 2.89 SCS -2.50 DPR +1.60 Prod Life
+2.26Type +2.21UDC +0.86 F&L 80%Rel.+2619 TPI (8/23)
No undesirable recessives! One of a kind, no full brothers. Hancock's top TPI , A2A2 son!Sire Calving Ease 3.3% Dtr CE 2.9%... Avg-Good , his aAa numbers are helpful
This Fancy young bull.... has a PERFECT set of linears..Not too tall, with slightly sloped, wide rumps. Some set to the leg..(too many straight legged cows around now)...but will sire top foot angle very important. Outstanding udder potential with teats a bit long. Big problem now with many cows having teats too short for modern milking. His linears are very comparable to his aAa numbers 342165. LOOK below at his dam's SLOPED rump, perfect cross.. for Hancock!
UNIQUE Outstanding Sire Stack...Hancock...Now proven for Prod and Type (LINCOLN is his highest TPI,A2A2 son), Denver, Shamrock (Dam sired by Shottle), GOLDEN EYE EX(92) Goldwyn son (from an EX(93) Durham dtr , Mr Sam(Durham son) , Super Star (DELLSTAR son....dam Dellia!)
Flatness-Intl Denver Lady GP(83) @ 3yr., Pot. Very Good, LINCOLN's dam.. Photo at 250 days of her 2nd lactation
+1,230 PDM +0.06% +64 F -0.01% +35P USDA Elite,Top 10,000 cow (12/19)
1-10 2X 350d 28,390m 4.3% 1121F 3.4% 965P
3-00 2x 305d 26,347m 4.8% 1264 F 3.5% 922P
LINCOLN's gr.dam Flatness-Intl Lucky Shamrock VG(86) VG(87)Mam...... SORRY NO PHOTO.
Was also a stylish high producer. Sire: Shamrock aAa 534, past no.1 TPI sire, very rare for a high production bull, like VIKING.
3-2 2X 365d 32,359m 3.9% 1253f 3.4%1039P
LINCOLNs 3rd dam below.
LINCOLN 3rd damFlatness-Intl GE Lucky VG(86)VG(88)Mam 2-01 2X 320d 22,137m 4.4% 976F 3.7% 819P 4-00 2X 256d 22,100 4.6% 1010f 3.6% 797p |
GOLDEN EYE dtr.....Flatness-Intl GE Lucky ABOVE . GE Lucky's dtr Flatness-Intl Lucky Shamrock. VG(86)... is the Gr dam of LINCOLN
they are all from the Rothrock Lou Ella EX(92)GMD family, the dam of Leadman EX(93)GM and LIGHTNING EX(94)GM
They and many other high scoring dtrs up to EX(94). Flatness-Intl GE Lucky has 3 crosses to Dellia...her sire's dam was a Durham(son of Dellia) dtr..
Her dam was a MR Sam dtr a Durham son(dam Dellia) and her gr dam was from a DELLSTAR (dam Dellia) son.
GE Lucky's gr dam LINCOLN's 6th dam
2-03 2x 365d 31,982m 3.4% 1087f 3.2% 1023p over 64 in tall!
1-10 2x 365d 34,827m 3.9% 1356f 3.4% 1184p
Lonestar's..fancy Mr Sam dtr., Flatness-Intl Lonesome was GP(83)@)2-8 was the dam of Flatness-Intl GE Lucky mentioned above.
Lonestar VG(85)VG(87) Mam., @ 2-07, 50 on stature, 109.7 BAA was the only dtr of SUPERSTAR a natural mating, who died just prior to sampling. She is a mat. sister to Laurette(below )and a grand dtr of Lauren (below her). She is a mirror image of her dam. Lonestar peaked at 102lbs milk 3.7% 3.2%p, Actual 2-03 2x 360d 31,594m 3.5% 1073f 3.2%1011p inc. ME 34,458m 1195f 1002p 6,000lbs milk over herdmates
Demand Lauren, Gold Medal Dam (below) Double Gr. Dtr. of Walk Up Valiant Lou Ella EX(92)2E!
Hyndl Demand Lauren, Gold Medal Dam, above ,was one of the top DEMAND, EX(92)GM, dtrs. Lauren's dam was Rothrock BT Lu, VG(88) EEVVV, 2-10 365d 2x 27,980m 4.2% 1175f 3.6% 1021p. Lu was the highest index dtr.of the world-famous Rothrock Valiant Lou Ella, EX(92) GMD-DOM, DEMAND was a LEADMAN son, thus Lauren is a double-granddaughter of Lou Ella. Lauren GP(82) EX(91) BC was over 61 inches tall, a huge cow..strong, over 2,000 lbs., wide, powerful, and with dairy strength.
Lauren peaked at 115 lbs. per day 2x with high components, the highest two-year-old in the herd. Her herdmate deviations were: +3,048M +104F +108P in a 30,000 lb. herd. Her actual record was: 2-07 2x 365d 35,305m 3.6% 1263f 3.5% 1243p. Lauren's three year old dtr, Laurette, peaked at 108 lb per day 1st lactation, 127 lbs 2nd lactation... by MANAT. Lauren was the dam of Lone Star... she was sired by SUPERSTAR . That mating combined the best of LOU ELLA and DELLIA
LINCOLN has a long and famous pedigree. LOU ELLA COW FAMILY ....our NEW top bull LINCOLN and NOW also LAWMAN .....They TPI...offspring of their sire Hancok the have the same 3rd dam Golden EYe Lucky VG(86) VG(88) Mam. Above.
Semen still available...very reasonably priced ! Rothrock BS LIGHTNING-ET *TL aAa 135426
LIGHTNING s Gr. Dam Walkup Astronaut Lou Ann EX(94) GMD DOM 6-4 2x 365d 24,330m 4.2% 1016f 7-11 2x 365d 28,770m 3.5% 1000f 3.2% 910p Gr.Dtr. was the World Milk Production Champion with nearly 70,000 lbs. of milk in 365 days! |