JULIO... Highly Proven..in the US, Netherlands & Switzerland!
JULIO's dam... Jill holds two current Br. Swiss World Records...26 years later!
Milking Speed 113..Fast Milking Speed! (on linear basis, compare to Gordon, 53 very slow)
High Components! +0.02%F +0.02%P     BB Kappa Casein... the Best!
 Prod.Life +3.10, +1.40 liv., SCS 2.57, DPR +4.80 !!! 
Born 25 year ago..over -2,000 lbs PDM in base change reductions since then!
First JULIO dtr. photo from Switzerland, scored VG @2yr.
JULIO's dam, Jill, as a VG, 2-year-old
JULIO, 2yr.old ,VG dtr., in Switzerland
First U.S. Milking Dtr. VG(86)!!
For Dairy Strength, Length, & Superb Udders
Outstanding Milk, Fat & Protein, & Fast Milking Speed*
*Official milking speed info from Switzerland
Early Maturity , Longevity and Calving Ease 
JULIO has hundreds of dtrs. in Switzerland, the Netherlands, 
Denmark and of course the USA.
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Julio's sire stack...Earnest T, Pete Rose, Westley, Simon
555BS01695 & 138BS01695 
Rolling Meadows JULIO-ET (M)
Very Good (88) EX(91) Dairy@ 6-06 "Former,Qualified Sire"
Reg. No.  193528     aAa 432561 
One of the breeds best Foot & Leg Improvers 
-174M +.02% -2F +.02% -1P
Rel. 84%
279 Dtrs./189 herds.. these are in Switzerland also milking dtrs in the US.....AI Proven
Net Merit +$219, Cheese Merit +230
 Prod.Life +3.10, +1.40 liv. ,
SCS 2.57, DPR +4.80 !
Calving Ease 1.60, Mat. Calving Ease 1.90 
98% problem free calving!
PTAT -0.80  Rel. 79%    206 Dtrs, 155 herds
PPR +74  (3/24) 
Milking Speed... Very Fast....114 (Switzerland data)
Linear Traits, 
K&Q Julio Angella VG(86) @ 2-04 VG(87) Mammary (Owned by Brian Smith, King & Queen Farm, Denver, PA)
Nolandale Julio Jerrilyn GP(83) @ 2 yrs.
(Owned by Nolandale Farms, Pontiac, IL)
JULIO, Jill's only son by EARNEST T, is straight-topped, strong and long, with correct set to the leg.  His sire, EARNEST T, is SMA-free. JULIO is the highest proven  Earnest T son in the world.  His pat. grandsires, EMORY and TELSTAR, are SMA-free, and his mat. grandsire, PETE ROSE, is also SMA-free.  JULIO is available around the world.  He is a perfect mating for the typical Jetway or Collection daughter because he will improve production and protein, and correct the rump structure by lowering the pins.
EARNEST T is an outcross sire He's a former No. 1 sire for protein.  His tall, strong 5E(90) dam lived to be over 17 years of age and had 11 lactations that totaled 233,490 lbs. of milk!  He has sired show winners, including a 1998 All-American and also sires top udders, up to EX(94), including Lolly, pictured below. 
JULIO's Pat. Sister
Foust Hill Earnest Lolly, EX(92), EX(94) Mammary
4-3 365d 27,742m 4.2% 1158f 3.5% 980p

Jill has world records and is a fifth generation Excellent!  You can expect  extremely high production potential, early maturity, combined with exceptional longevity from JULIO Jill's dam is over 9 years old, and Jill's 5E(91) granddam is still alive at over 16 years of age.  

Jill was the No. 7 cow in the U.S. Brown Swiss Bulletin's Miss Millennium contest.  She was the youngest and highest protein cow of the group.  Her granddam, Priscilla, was the No. 2 cow!

JULIO (pronounced HOO-leo) is Spanish for July, when he was born.  Julio Iglesias, JULIO's namesake, the famous romantic singer, is the worldwide leader for record sales.  Jill is the World Record Milk and Protein Leader (at 2-yrs).  Add a little romance to your herd... plan to use JULIO now!

Roll Mead TA Jill ET ....JULIO's Dam 
3E(93)EX(94) Mammary!
Fifth Generation Excellent!
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JULIO's Mat. Granddam:
Top Acres Westley Paulette 2E90-Certified
JULIO's Mat. Gr. Granddam
Arnola Peggy Priscilla 5E91-Elite
JULIO's Dam:
Reg. No. 851132
Roll Mead TA JILL-ET, 3E, EX(93), EX(94) Mam.!
Fr. EX(91), DC EX(95), Body VG(89), F&L EX(90), Mam. EX(94)
Linear 45 Udder, 50 Rear Udder Height, 50 Rear Udder Width, 25 Teat Length (perfect score!)
 5th Generation Excellent, 59-1/2" (151 cm.) tall at the shoulder & rump
PTA +669M -.04% +19F +.00% 22P (5/07
+0.6 PTAT   CPI +283  (No.185 on CPI list 11/04))
Former No.1 Supp. Index 8/97, Highest Protein Index of All-Time
1-11 305d 2x 32,880m 3.7% 1203f 4.1% 1351p DHIR (World, Class Milk & Protein Record)
1-11 365d 2x 36,940m 3.6% 1335f 4.1% 1501p DHIR (World, Class Milk & Protein Record)
1-11 502d 2x 44,870m 3.6% 1601f 4.1% 1818p DHIR (7.7% F&P)
4-2 365d 2x 31,115m 4.2% 1320f 3.5% 1087p  DHIR (7.7% F&P)
4-2 464d 2x 36,848m 4.2% 1527f 3.6% 1311p DHIR
5-09 305d 2x 34,851m 3.7% 1306f 3.6% 1255p DHIR
5-09 365d 2x 39,619m 3.8% 1507f 3.7% 1466p DHIR
5-09 485d 2x 50,035m 3.8% 1921 3.7% 1851pDHIR
7-10 365d 2x 37,792m 4.2%1565f 3.7%1398p  DHIR
9-10 365d 2x 34,242m 4.3% 1459f 3.4% 1164p DHIR
1st 5 records over 31,000m 2X , a Br.Swiss World Record!
5 records avg....35,942m 4.0% 1432f 3.7% 1324P
Official Lifetime to date:200,895 Milk  4.0% 7,980 Fat  3.6% 7,167 Protein
Jill's 365 day 1501 lbs. Protein record is a former All-Breed Protein Record at 1-11.  She's now No. 3 (Nos. 1 & 2 are Holsteins)

Click here for even more information on Jill... Milk & Component Queen!

JILL 's Maternal Sister:        
Rolling Meadows ST Paula-ET, E-91, EX-Across
5th Generation EXCELLENT
1-11 305d 2X 23210 5.5 1270 3.6 831 DHIR
1-11 353d 2X 26670 5.2 1376 3.5 938 DHIR
3-02 305d 2X 30780 5.0 1530 4.0 1223 DHIR
3-02 365d 2X 37510 5.0 1889 3.9 1454 DHIR
Nat'l Milk, Fat, & Protein Leader, Jr. 3 yr.old
Bull Contracted to CIAQ 
Bull Contracted to Flatness International, Inc.
Embryos now available by PETE ROSE
Top Acres Westley Paulette2E90 - Certified 
Superior Brood Cow, Excellent Feet & Legs, & MammarySystem, 4th GenerationEXCELLENT
2-04 365d 2X 28320 4.4 1244 3.6 1016 DHIR 
3-06 365d 2X 25400 4.7 1194 3.7 934 DHIR
5-10 365d 2X 27280 4.9 1339 3.8 1039 DHIR
7-01 365d 2X 29230 5.2 1479 3.6 1028 DHIR
Member Hon Men All-American Produce of Dam, 1993  
Sold for $11,500 at Top Acres Sale, 7/1/98.
Embryos now available by ENSIGN and AYTOLA.
JILL still has  embryos available... see pricing page.

Jill had an oustanding dtr ..Jillquest,  sired by CONQUEST
JILL's Granddam, the Legendary PRISCILLA:
Arnola Peggy Priscilla 5E 91-Elite
3rd Gen. EXCELLENT, Superior Brood Cow.  Lived to over 16 yrs. old!
6-10 365d 2x 30,250m 4.4% 1339f 3.4% 1034p DHIR
National Total Performance Winner 1989 & 1991
Nom. All-American 3-yr.-old, 1986
PETE ROSE dtr. POM-POM sold for $40,500 (7/1/98)

104 Stony Mountain Rd.    Tunkhannock, PA  18657 (USA)
Fax:  570-836-1549   Phone:  570-836-3527     e-mail     info@flatnessinyl.com
Copyright 2002-23 Flatness International, Inc. All rights reserved.
Revised  6/23/23